Posts Tagged ‘HSP’

About a month ago I came across a website that talked about a trait about 15 to 20 percent of people have which is called a “highly sensitive person” or HSP. On this website there is a test to see if you are that kind of person. So, of course, I took the test, and wouldn’t you know it indicates I am an HSP. I looked into this trait more and for me it explains a lot of things about myself I didn’t know. Being an HSP is not a bad thing. It means our brains are wired so we perceive the world differently. In fact, it is a gift from God.

I learned a highly sensitive person has a rich inner life. What does that mean? We are attuned to others and take in so much information and emotion we need time for our brains to process it all. A rich inner life is great! We love and enjoy nature. We might sit by a stream and daydream as the water ripples by. We admire God’s handiwork all around us and are thrilled by a special bird sighting. We enjoy a beautiful sunset and admire God’s signature on a wonderful day. We meditate on God’s word and roll it around in our minds. We have good imaginations. We are curious about everything and do lots of research. We see the bright side of situations and are not Debby Downers.

What does it mean if you are a Christian and an HSP? It means God has gifted us in a special way.

God created the world and everything in it including us. It is amazing to look at nature and admire God’s creations. He made birds but just look at all the varieties. They are not all alike. People are not all alike either. There are many colors, sizes, and variations.

God created each of us for His purpose. We are custom made! He chose us before the foundation of the world. He knows us through and through. If you find you are a HSP you can rejoice that God has gifted you in a special way. Being sensitive to spiritual things helps us have a rich Christian life. I think it best to view HCP from a Christian perspective.

How can we use our unique traits to help the cause of Christ? Let’s think about some of the gifts God has given Christians. Every Christian has been given at least one Spiritual gift and most have more than one. In the Bible many of the Spiritual gifts are found in Romans 12:6-8 and I Corinthians 12:8-11. Here are a few. I’m sure there are more.

  • Mercy: Romans 12:15 We serve others. We have empathy for others and notice their needs and feel their emotions. We are great listeners and make others feel comfortable to share. This is a great help both in church and outside of church.
  • Teachers: As we do Bible study it helps that we are deep thinkers. Therefore we can be discerning and be aware of false teaching. We might make good Sunday School teachers, small group leaders, or counselors.
  • Exhortation: By being good listeners we encourage and guide others. We are peacemakers as we don’t like conflict. Matthew 5:9 “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.”
  • Leadership and Administration: We are problem solvers which is always needed in the church. We can lead others in many different areas of the church.
  • Wisdom & Knowledge: We can apply the knowledge we learn from the Bible in a wise and caring way.
  • Faith: We are sensitive and have lots of faith because we believe God’s word and apply it to our everyday lives. We believe God is there and will take care of us. We pray for and with others. We make good prayer warriors.

If you are a HSP thank and praise God for the wonderful way He has created you. Enjoy your special traits and see how you can use them to help the cause of Christ.

There are a few cons to being a HSP as well. If we are aware of them, we need to guard ourselves.

  • People pleasers: For instance, we are empathetic toward others and feel their pain. We may begin to “people please” and put their needs ahead of our own. This can get us in trouble if we allow others to take advantage of us in this area. That can happen. I must be careful in this area myself. It is easy to feel sorry for someone and end up taking on their burdens.
  • Hurt feelings: We tend to get our feelings hurt easily. I’ve found that to be true. But, by knowing this we can pray for the one who hurt us and let it go. We don’t have to let it fester in our minds.
  • Afraid to say “no”: We use a lot of energy being a HSP and need time to be by ourselves to decompress and reflect. Others don’t always understand when we don’t want to go somewhere or do something. If we know ourselves, we don’t have to feel guilty for saying no. It’s OK to say no! We have our limitations and should not try to keep up with others.
  • Overstimulation: We get overstimulated when things are too intense. I was in a church recently and the beautiful music and blend of voices overwhelmed me. I became very emotional. It was too much. Afterward I felt wiped out and needed to be home by myself for the rest of the day to unwind my brain. In reflecting on this I remember this reaction happening several times in the past. I didn’t realize why. Now I know. I not comfortable in large groups of people, concerts, and even violent movies They all wear on me.

The more we realize why we feel the way we do the more control we have over our lives. Knowledge is powerful.

I’m sure there are many other pros and cons to being a HSP. It has been enlightening to me and now I truly understand myself better. God made me just the way I am, and it is wonderful to accept that.

If you can relate to any of this, I would love for you to share that in the comments.

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